Video Conference systems

VC cam with speaker
VC Cam
Video conference Audio

Does Corona Virus impact your business?    


Use Best Video Conference Solutions!

Every Day counts in Health 

Every day counts in Business. 

These days we have pandemic disease throughout the world due to Corona virus.

Corona Virus is adversely affecting health of people infected due to the Virus. Due to huge population world wide the outbreak of corona has hit health as well as economy globally.

Directly or indirectly the situation affected business houses too. The movement and activities in crowded areas and public places has become more prone to virus infection.

Even though many measures are taken by government and officials, the new cases are being reported daily. This forced governing bodies to give holidays to schools, malls and public gatherings as precautionary measures. Few Multinationals and Corporate companies gave options to their employees to work from home where ever possible.

One of his past experience from an executive.

Today I visited a client, who gave appointment, but by the time I reached the client’s place, there were instruction from their management to stop all visitors to enter their offices and all appointments are scheduled after 15 days.”

In the light of this situation, we will discuss about how to ensure good communication is adopted and the work is done smoothly without affecting day to day business. Medical care should be taken as prescribed by health authorities.

Use Video conference!

Yes, there are many ways of doing video conference.

The solutions for video conference like Skype, Zoom, Go to meeting, Teams and many other modes are available .

The video conference experience can be scaled suiting to their organization

The communication can be one point to another point called as Point-to-point.

Multi point can be one point to many point and many point to many points. This depends on the business model of their company.

The Video conference needs the following equipment

  1. Codec with Software License for communicating.

  2. Good Internet connection.

  3. High Quality Camera like HD, PTZ and Track and Lock camera

  4. Audio Devices for quality with or without echo cancellation speakers.

  5. Wired or Wireless Mic.

  6. Display devices like projector or Flat Panels & Display Units.

  7. Required cabling etc.

  8. Sound knowledge of network connectivity staff.


Use the above solutions and get benefited.

Once installed the system can be customized according to the business. However this solution is only a substitute to the personal visits to office and work places.

Where ever direct presence is required they have to wait till further information and situation is analyzed. Take care of health with precautions and stay healthy.

Kumar Digital IT Solutions

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